So you would guess I have tons of Clothes, Accessories and Shoes! Saying this I'm tired of buying something I already have or discovering a forgotten item that I could have been wearing all season!

Finding this site was a heaven sent! So what this website does is it allows you to catalog your Wardrobe (Remember like in the Clueless Movie!) It is tedious to set up but once you're up it's quite amazing! Also while setting up it gets you filtering and purging the clothes you don't need or wear anymore!

So here's the run down...
You take a picture of all your things, I started one category at a time! My first category was Bags/Purses. You need to set up a white sheet or hang on an all white wall and take a picture of each item. (make sure there are no wrinkles in the sheet and minimize shadows as much as you can, being a perfectionist I cropped each item to ensure there were no shadows)
There is a background remover on this site, I Suggest not removing the background when Uploading but do it after and edit each item.
Another tip is try searching the item if it's a common brand and lots of times it will come up. No picture taking needed. Also for example if it's just a white oxford shirt instead of taking a picture try goggling a picture of "white oxford". I personally don't mind if it's identical just similar.
Now I'm in no way done yet but slowly working at it. And when you have enough categories you can start making Outfits!!!

When you make outfits you can save them and others can view and rate them! Also there is an Editor who chooses outfits they feature! Not to toot my own horn but almost all my outfits have been Editor's picks! You can Rate other User's outfits and Comment whether a piece looks good in the outfit and if your friends are on it you can make outfits for them too!
So for all my Fashionista's check out this site:
My Username is "Shopsterista" Of Course!