So when she opened it her mother filled with disappointment and a horrified look turned to me with with disbelief "Really?!" ... priceless! I signal for her to let her open the box and when the box was opened Tay squeaks "Monster!".
Renews the faith for mothers that a dollar store toy would bring such joy!
But aside from this funny story I would have to say this Santa was good to me this year!
From a favourite cousin-in-law who never forgets me every year! I got a pretty Pandora-style bracelet.
From my aunt/godmother I got a a simple and classic bone bangle (LOVE) and a pair of dangle earrings from Ten Thousand Villages with a special piece of valuable paper inside (*wink*). After looking up this company I realized this awesome company with unique products.
"Ten Thousand Villages is the oldest and largest Fair Trade organization in North America, selling artisan-crafted personal accessories, home decor and gift items from around the globe.
Ten Thousand Villages creates opportunities for artisans in developing countries to earn income by bringing their products and stories to our markets through long-term, fair trading relationships."
So check out their website and support socially responsible merchants: http://www.tenthousandvillages.ca
From my other aunt another delicately wrapped special piece of valuable paper made out in my name (*wink*). Which was very much appreciated.

Already ran out and got a sparkly rose gold, a dark wine purple, and a pale pink.

They tricked me by strategically putting them in a Men's Back Waxing kit. Which was quite Hilarious!
Thanks Girls! Hope you liked your gifts as much as I did!
My Father and Uncle as the amazing gift givers they are also contributed to the much needed Boxing Day Shopping Fund!
A Tim Horton's Gift Card From my oldest sister and her 2 boys.

Her mother, my second oldest sister, got me a Night out to movies including popcorn and drinks.

My little sister cashed in her "I'm a Starving Student" Card in for the last time!
My other friend got me a Bon Appetite Gift Card.
My Boyfriend got the following leather Rabeano bags for me!
Overall.... Great Christmas!
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